5 Things to Do When You Have TMJ

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If you have experienced pain in your face, neck, back, or all three, a TMJ disorder might just be the cause. TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint, which refers to the joint that connects your skull and jawbone. Pain in this area can radiate across the face and down to the neck.

Signs of a TMJ disorder tend to first show up as jaw troubles.

Do you:

  1. Grind your teeth?

  2. Have a history of jaw trauma?

  3. Have a tight neck?

  4. Have jaw misalignment?

If so, you very well may be suffering from a TMJ disorder.

If you’re struggling with TMJ pain, it is likely linked to problems in your neck and back. Nerve and muscle pain in the face can cause the neck and back to tense up too, contributing to misalignments that cause further pain.

Here’s 5 handy tips for managing your TMJ disorder:

  1. Practice Relaxation Techniques. Deep breathing, mindfulness, or a walk in nature are simple relaxation skills that you can practice to decrease tension throughout your body. Contact us at Mission Hills to set up an appointment with a professional TMJ chiropractor who can teach you relaxation skills.

  2. Reduce Stress. Identify sources of stress in your life and consider how you may deal with them. A toxic work environment, a rocky relationship, or a fast-paced lifestyle can all be stressors that can contribute to TMJ pain. Managing stress can be challenging, but it is imperative to maintaining jaw, neck and back health.

  3. Apply an Ice Pack. Since inflammation causes TMJ pain and disorders, applying a cool pack to the painful area can decrease your discomfort. Ice the area for 10 minutes while carefully stretching your jaw according to the instructions provided by your chiropractor. Afterward, hold a warm, damp cloth to the same area for 5 minutes to complete the routine.

  4. Use Gentle Jaw Stretches to Help Relax the TMJ. A Mission Hills TMJ treatment staff member can guide you in stretches and TMJ relaxation techniques at your next appointment. Once you can do them, these exercises can be practiced daily in your home.

  5. Take a Mild Anti-Inflammatory. Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid can be purchased over the counter to help with pain relief. You may know them by famous brand names such as Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, or Motrin. For short-term relief, these are highly effective at reducing pain related to inflammation. Be sure to connect with a professional to talk about long-term options for managing and preventing your TMJ disorder.

If you have symptoms of a TMJ condition, it is time to address the root cause of your neck and back pain. Contact us at the Mission Hills Chiropractic office and request to meet with a chiropractor personally.

At Mission Hills, we want you to know that connecting with patients and offering customized care is our passion. It is our goal to share information that helps every patient enjoy good health.

We welcome you to reach out and would love to take the time to speak with you about TMJ pain and disorders.

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Dr. Nardeep Jawanda is an expert chiropractor, practicing every week in Lake Forest, California at his practice, Mission Hills Chiropractic.

Dr. J, along with his partners at Mission Hills Chiropractic, have a mission to help people get and stay out of pain through chiropractic adjustments and general health knowledge.

Some people say the Mission Hills team are the best chiropractors in Lake Forest or even the best chiropractors in Orange County! We agree with those people.

If you’re looking for the best chiropractor in Orange County, you’re looking for Dr. J.