Jaw Pain & TMJ!

Enjoy this “Get Healthy!” post from your Lake Forest Orange County chiropractor, Dr. Tim Gooing.

Many people experience pain in their face, neck and back because of something called TMJ disorder. So what is TMJ and why is it important?

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint between your jawbone and skull.

TMJ disorder is caused by injury or inflammation (or both) to the TMJ.

Here’s the issue and why knowing about this is important:

If you’re not addressing the problems in your jaw, your back and neck problems will continue.

Plain and simple.

Many do not think about the fact that disorders with one part of the body will create disorders in others - there is a likelihood that persisting problems in your neck and back has something to do with a disorder in the jaw.

TMJ itself is a very complex disorder.

There are many different causes and treatments, which I’ll address in more detail in my part 2 post (there’s so much here we needed another article!)

So for this part 1 post, I wanted to introduce TMJ and simply push a call to action.

If you:

  • Grind your teeth

  • Have had trauma to the jaw

  • Have a tight neck

  • Have jaw misalignment

Call our office (949.586.8525) and ask talk to me personally on the phone.

A couple minutes on the phone and I’ll let you know if you or your loved one might have TMJ.

Something that we at Mission Hills want all of our patients and audience to know is that we love helping you personally!

We publish these posts because we want to share information and help people get healthy. TMJ is complex and requires a bit more information to properly help.

We’re available for phone calls and we love talking to you. Please call any time (949) 586-8525, I would love to hear from you and help.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for my next post, Jaw Pain & TMJ Part 2! Feel free to meet with me any day at Mission Hills Chiropractic in Lake Forest, CA - I’d be happy to talk about chiropractic care for jaw pain, health tips and plenty more :)

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Dr. Tim Gooing is a master of the Chiropractic arts, practicing daily in Lake Forest, California at his clinic, Mission Hills Chiropractic. His mission is to help people get and stay out of pain with regular chiropractic adjustments.

Is he the best chiropractor in Lake Forest or the best chiropractor in Mission Viejo? What about the best chiropractor in Orange County? We can’t say for certain, but we can say yeah, probably.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Orange County, Mission Viejo or a chiropractor in Lake Forest, CA, Tim’s your man.