Neck, Shoulder & Mid-Back Pain Relief Stretches

Back, neck, and shoulder pain are common among many adults - along with chiropractic care, stretching will help to relieve pain in these areas.

Try this step by step guide to help relieve your back and neck pain.

Person with Neck & Shoulder Pain

Neck Pain

When you have neck pain, it can travel down your shoulder blade and arm, causing a lot of discomfort. Follow this routine to stretch the neck area slowly; always stop if the movement causes significant pain.

Forward and Back Head Tilt

·       Begin with your head straight up and back straight.

·       Slowly lower your chin to your chest, and hold it down for up to 30 seconds. Slowly lift your head back up to the start position.

·       Next, tilt your head backward and look up towards the ceiling, still keeping your back straight. Hold this for ten seconds and then return to the starting position.

·       Repeat both five times.

Side Tilt

·       Begin with your head up and back straight.

·       Slowly tilt your head to the right, trying to touch your ear to your shoulder. Make sure not to raise your shoulder to make them touch, and only move until you feel it stretch; no need to touch the two.

·       If you feel that you need a little extra stretch, place your right hand on the opposite side of your head and lightly pull your head towards your shoulder. Do not overstretch.

·       Return your head to the starting position, and repeat for the other side.

·       Do five sets for each side.

Mid-Back Pain

Sitting for prolonged periods can cause the muscles in your back to tighten and cause pain. If you have a desk job and are at a computer for a long time, try these stretches to help loosen your back muscles and relieve pain.

Seated Twist

·       Sit down on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you and your back up straight.

·       Twist your torso slowly to the right side, using the floor to help you in your stretch.

·       Hold this stretch for 20 seconds, then return to the starting position.

·       Repeat for the left side.

·       Repeat the stretch four times on each side.

Child’s Pose

·       Begin by kneeling and sitting your butt on the heels of your feet.

·       Slowly bring your body forward, stretching your arms out in front of you on the floor as far as possible.

·       Try to touch your head to the floor, if possible.

·       Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

·       Slowly push yourself back up, sitting on your heels.

·       Do this stretch three times.

Shoulder Pain

There could be several reasons you may have shoulder pain. Often times, it has to do with another issue like neck or back alignment. Try this stretch to help relieve shoulder pain.

Across the Chest Stretch

·       Take your right arm and bring it to the left across your chest with the help of your left arm.

·       Pull in with your left arm to pull your right arm closer to your chest, stretching the shoulder.

·       Hold this position for 30 seconds.

·       Repeat for the left arm.

·       Do this for both shoulders five times.

Doing these stretches can help relieve your neck and back pain and help prevent future injury by keeping those muscles loose. Always be sure not to overstretch and stop if you feel pain.

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Dr. Nardeep Jawanda is an expert chiropractor, practicing every week in Lake Forest, California at his practice, Mission Hills Chiropractic.

Dr. J, along with his partners at Mission Hills Chiropractic, have a mission to help people get and stay out of pain through chiropractic adjustments and general health knowledge.

Some people say the Mission Hills team are the best chiropractors in Lake Forest or even the best chiropractors in Orange County! We agree with those people.

If you’re looking for the best chiropractor in Orange County, you’re looking for Dr. J.